Tuesday, November 23, 2004


There are no anxieties except the ones you create. And just as you created them, you can let those anxieties go.
What has happened has happened. What will come will come. You can make a difference. You can take positive action.

And your actions will be infinitely more effective when they're not burdened with anxiety. Your awareness will be remarkably more rich and clear when it is not clouded with worry.

Open your eyes to the possibilities of this moment. Put your considerable energy into living the best of those possibilities.

Free your mind, your body and your spirit to be productive, effective, and full of life. Let go of those murky anxieties and fully live.


Good fortune may sometimes bring success sooner than it otherwise would have come. And bad luck may sometimes cause a temporary setback.
In the long run, though, success in life is not much affected by luck or by accidents. It is based on the character with which you live from day to day, or moment to moment.

In fact, success is not really defined by any particular point, that or what you reach. It is much more,  a matter of the way how you live your life.

In order to be successful, you do not need any particular circumstances or set of events. Real success comes from living with purpose and meaning.

That's something, that requires no one else's consent, assistance or permission. It's something you can begin to do, right here and now.

Fortune can bring you a fleeting windfall or a momentary setback. The way you choose to live, though, is what brings true, lasting success.


When you are busy talking you cannot hear what others are saying. In the same way, when your mind is consumed with thinking and analyzing, you cannot learn what life has to tell you.

The ability to think is a useful, powerful and beautiful thing. Yet like all powerful things, thoughts are best when used in moderation.

If you become too consumed with your own thoughts, you can fail to see what is right in front of you. If you are too obsessed with analyzing every move, you become unable to move at all.

On a regular basis, take a quiet, peaceful retreat from your thoughts. Spend some time not plotting or worrying, not considering or agonizing, but just being and enjoying your own awareness.

Life can be wonderful when it is filled with noise, confusion, excitement and busy, complex thoughts. And those exciting times are even better when they're balanced with quiet, peaceful times.

Make it a point every so often to empty your mind. Then you'll be able to fill it with all the good things you want.


You do not have to agree in order to understand. But you do have to listen with an open mind.
You do not have to give up or give in to another in order to understand. But you do have to give your attention and consideration.

You do not have to change your own position in order to understand the position of another. But you do have to accept that there are valid perspectives besides your own.

Seeing the world only from your own point of view puts you at a distinct disadvantage. The more open you are to understanding others, the more effective your every action will be.

Realize what a true blessing it is that there are those who see things differently than you do. By offering your understanding you gain the benefit of an expanded perspective.

You've no doubt experienced how good it can be when there's someone who listens and truly understands. What's even better is to be that someone.


Before you consider the difficulties, consider the rewards you'll enjoy after getting past those difficulties. Before looking at the effort you must put forth, look at what you have an opportunity to accomplish.
Yes, there are obstacles that stand in front of you. And the most effective way to get through them is with a meaningful, compelling reason.

Look, in your imagination, to the other side of the mountain. For it is the strength of your vision that will carry you over that mountain.

When your heart is in the effort, you'll find a way to prevail against whatever may block your path. When your heart is in the effort, you'll be fully and effectively engaged every step of the way.

See, hear, feel and taste the end of the journey before you even begin. The more vividly you visualize and relate to the goal, the more energy you'll have to get there.

Difficult as it may be, there is a path from here to there. Connect solidly with your purpose for going, and you'll surely complete the journey.

Frustrated no more

There is nothing that makes you frustrated. Any frustration you experience is the result of your own choice to react with frustration.
There is nothing that makes you annoyed. Any annoyance you experience comes about because you have decided to be annoyed.

You can choose to be annoyed, frustrated, angry, and spiteful. You can also choose not to be.

Imagine how effective you could be if there was nothing that annoyed you. That level of effectiveness is yours to choose, right here, right now.

All sorts of things will happen in your world today. You can let them get to you, and annoy and frustrate you, or you can choose to follow your own path.

You have the power to be free of frustration, free of annoyance, free to accomplish and enjoy life. Choose that freedom today.

Become the person

There is a life you want to live. To experience that life, become the person who will live it.
If the circumstances of your life are not yet what you desire, there is a reason. It is because you have not yet become the person you desire to become.

The outer circumstances of your life will change for the better precisely to the extent that you change for the better inside. Become the person who can live your dream, and that dream will become real.

You cannot directly control everything in the world around you, but there is no need for that anyway. By controlling your own thoughts, feelings and actions, you can bring about anything you truly desire.

Success grows from the inside out. That's why you'll never be fulfilled by merely acquiring the tokens of success.

Become successful on the inside, to the point where the superficial tokens of success do not matter. And you will surely have more than you could ever desire.

-- Ralph Marston


If you're not satisfied with what is, then you need to get busy and visualize what can be. Replacing or improving the undesirable is much more effective than just rejecting it. Being for something works infinitely better than just complaining.

Rather than waste your time and effort on useless complaints, invest yourself in improving the situation. Moving forward will get you much farther than moving against.

There are those who complain, who take pride in being a victim. And then there are those who see the enormous opportunity that comes from making a situation better. Which approach makes the most sense to you?

If there's something you don't like, make it better. It's not that big of a step from seeing something as undesirable and visualizing how it can be better. Put some effort behind your vision. Don't just stand there complaining. Make it better!

http://angeltrixie.blogspot.com/2004/07/ July 2004 http://angeltrixie.blogspot.com/2004/11/ November 2004 http://angeltrixie.blogspot.com/2005/02/ February 2005 http://angeltrixie.blogspot.com/2008/12/ December 2008 http://angeltrixie.blogspot.com/2013/11/ November 2013 https://www.blogger.com/profile/01619455386260413778